
Community (Pentecost Sunday)

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Jared Richey

This week our Patterned Life series jumps into the topic of Community and how it fits in our life of following Jesus.

Since COVID, over 50% of people say that they're lonely most or all of the time. How would you answer the question?

Tribalism is a form of isolated grouping that is fear based and builds connection over shared hate rather than shared love. Have you ever experienced this? Where do you see it at work in our society and culture?

"Pseudo-community" is a type of community that occurs when people show up to gatherings and regularly connect, but hold back their deepest self. Where in your life have you experienced this before? How can you work to combat it for the sake of yourself and others?

Community is meant to be redemptive, a place where we can bring our wounds, sins, and faults to the table, confess them, and heal. Have you ever experienced this before? What do you think needs to happen for this kind of community to form, and how can you be an agent of forming it with the people around you?