
The Antidote for Apostasy - Part 2

Jude 1:17-25

December 30, 2024 • Pastor John Miller • Jude 17–25

We are living in the age of apostasy. Good is being called evil,and evil, good. Today, in his teaching, Pastor John shares how followers of Jesus are to navigate these times. Don't trust in your own strengths and abilities. Instead, put your hope and faith in Jesus. Trust in the One who is full of grace, mercy, truth, and love. Rest in Jesus in the midst of all the craziness taking place in the world today. Honor Him by spending time with Him, studying His Word, and by yielding to the Holy Spirit. Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Jude chapter 1 as he continues his message, The Antidote for Apostasy.


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