
Don't be Spoiled - Part 1

Colossians 2:16-23

June 25, 2024 • Pastor John Miller • Colossians 2:16–23

If you've accepted Jesus into your heart and believe in His plan of redemption, you should feel different from the rest of the world. The world is desperate for a remedy to pain and suffering, and as a follower of Christ, you're called to be diligent for the Lord and work for the sake of His kingdom. In today’s message, Pastor John shares that living like the rest of the world means missing out on the divine power of God's love and grace in your life. Instead, live in a way that brings reconciliation to a hurting world.

Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Colossians chapter 2 as he begins his message, Don’t Be Spoiled.

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Off with the Old, On with the New - Part 1

June 28, 2024 • Pastor John Miller • Colossians 3:5–14

Living for our desires and ambitions can hinder you from experiencing the fullness of God's grace and purpose for your life. It's like trying to hold onto something small when God offers you something infinitely greater. In today’s message, Pastor John urges you that when you die to yourself, you let go of your selfish desires, pride, and worldly ambitions. This surrender will open space in your heart for God's grace to work powerfully. It's not about losing yourself but finding your true identity in God. Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Colossians chapter 3 as he begins his message, Off with the Old, On with the New.

How To Live The Abundant Life - Part 1

June 27, 2024 • Pastor John Miller • Colossians 3:1–4

If you want to grow in your relationship with the Lord and move past what's been holding you back, leave your hang-ups at the door and let God work mightily in and through you. Today, Pastor John wants you to know that God desires to use you for mighty purposes and to see you blossom into the person He's always wanted you to be. Surrendering your heart to God and allowing Him to work in your life will usher in the transformation and growth that surpasses what you can achieve. Trust in God's plan. Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Colossians chapter 3 as he begins his message, How To Live The Abundant Life.

Don't be Spoiled - Part 2

June 26, 2024 • Pastor John Miller • Colossians 2:16–23

The wisdom in God's Word surpasses all human understanding and worldly advice. In today’s message, Pastor John encourages you that it remains unchanged and serves as a reliable source of guidance and deliverance in all circumstances. No matter how sound someone's wisdom may appear or what results they promise, nothing compares to the divine wisdom found only in God's Word. When you turn to God's Word for guidance, you tap into a source of timeless truth and knowledge that’ll navigate all of life's trials. Now, let’s join Pastor John in the book of Colossians chapter 2 as he continues his message, Don’t Be Spoiled.