
Connecting With God

Genesis: Episode 15

April 5, 2021 • Genesis 28:10–22

For further reflection:

1. Read Genesis 28:14: “Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”

To whom does God’s blessing on Jacob ultimately reach? What does this tell us about God’s values?

2. Genesis 28:17 describes the place where Jacob met with God. Jacob says, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!”

For believers today, Jesus is now the means by which we meet with God. Like Jacob, are you in awe of the ability to meet with God through Christ? Why or why not?

3. The devotional discussed three key truths:
-That God has revealed himself as the one true God in control of everything.
-That God promises to make us into a people that will bring blessing and restoration into the world.
-That God assures us that he is personally committed to watching over us.
Which truth stands out to you the most? What specific circumstance in your life can you apply this truth to?

“Steadfast God”
Written and Performed by Breakaway Worship
All rights reserved. Used by permission

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