
God's Work

Genesis: Episode 14

April 5, 2021 • Genesis 25:19–26

For further reflection:

1. Read Genesis 25:21: “Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children; and the Lord answered him, and his wife Rebekah conceived.”

According to this verse, what causes Sarah to conceive? What does this teach us about prayer?

2. Read Romans 9:11-12: “For though the twins were not yet born and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, it was said to her, ‘The older will serve the younger.’”

According to this verse, what was not the reason for God’s choice of the younger brother? How does this make you feel about God?

3. Where in your life are you relying on your own competencies and abilities instead of God? How might you reorient your focus to God’s work and God’s power rather than your own?

“Heaven’s Eyes”
Written and Performed by Jillian Edwards Courtesy of Concord Music Publishing
Cashagamble Jet Music (BMI) / Be Essential Songs (BMI) / (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com).
All rights reserved. Used by permission

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