
Trusting in God's Promises

Genesis: Episode 10

April 5, 2021 • Genesis 16:1–10

For further reflection:

1. Abram and Sarah took matters into their own hands because they felt that they were too old to have a baby and that God was taking too long. What contributing factors often lead us to take things into our hands?

2. Romans 4:28&31 say, “You, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise. So then, brothers and sisters, we are not children of a slave woman, but of the free woman.”

As Christians, why is it a freeing reality to be saved by faith instead of works?

3. Where in your life are you currently doubting God? Where are you feeling impatient with his timing? Identify a promise in the Bible that speaks to your current situation. Then, pray and ask God to help you trust in this promise instead of relying on yourself.

“Heaven’s Eyes”
Written and Performed by Jillian Edwards Courtesy of Concord Music Publishing
Cashagamble Jet Music (BMI) / Be Essential Songs (BMI) / (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com).
All rights reserved. Used by permission

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