
Beatitudes: Blessed are the Merciful

July 3, 2022 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann • Matthew 5:7, Matthew 18:23–35, Leviticus 19:1–2, Leviticus 19:9–18, Colossians 3:12–15

Blessings on you!

This Sunday we'll begin a 4-week summer sermon series through the second four Beatitudes, found in Matthew 5, the beginning of Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount. Last summer I preached through the first four Beatitudes, which are often known as the Beatitudes of Need. This summer we are climbing the ladder of the Beatitudes and focusing on the Beatitudes of Service. These Beatitudes are ultimately portraits of Jesus. As Jesus blessed his disciples and invited them to imitate his service, the same is true for us. Jesus blesses us and invites us to be merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and persecuted for righteousness sake in and through him.

I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday and receiving a blessing from Christ our King!

Pastor Adam