
Beatitudes: Blessed are those who Mourn

Matthew 5:1-4, Isaiah 61:1-3, 2 Corinthians 7:2-10

July 11, 2021 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

“Blessed are those who mourn.” Happy are the unhappy. Blessings on those whose eyes are full of tears.

Do you think those statements sound bizarre?
If so, you are not alone. Most people would assume the opposite are true… Blessed are those who smile. Happy are the happy. Blessings on those whose eyes are dry.

Yet, in his second Beatitude Jesus is turning our understanding of the blessed life upside down.

Join us on Sunday as we continue our sermon series through Jesus’ Beatitudes, learning together why Jesus blesses those who mourn.

I look forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Adam