
Finding the Glory of Jesus

Mark 10:35-45

November 18, 2018 • Rev. Alex Watlington

"You do not know what you are asking?" Has someone ever said those words to you?

Jesus said those words to two of his disciples, James and John, and easily would say it to us if we were to ask for the same thing. The conversation is recorded in the Gospel of Mark 10:35-45, as these two disciples want glory for themselves. Jesus reminds them that to be glorified, to be made great, first means to lay one's life down and become a slave of all. If that is what it means to be made great, do you want to that?

This Sunday I am excited to welcome Rev. Alex Watlington, RUF Campus Minister at USC, back to preach his second sermon on the glory of Jesus Christ! To best prepare for this sermon, spend 5-10 minutes to read, meditate, and pray through the Gospel of Mark 10:35-45. As you do, reflect on how being first in life also means being a slave of all.

I look forward to worshiping with you all this Sunday!

Pastor Adam