
For Beggers and Children

January 30, 2022 • Rev. Paul Kim, Rev. Adam Feichtmann • Luke 18:9–30, Luke 18:35–43

This Sunday Redeemer will have two worship services: our normal service in Newport Beach and a special service in Palm Springs for the 80+ guys attending our Men’s Retreat!

In Newport Beach, we are excited to announce that the Rev. Paul Kim, from Redeemer City to City Los Angeles, will be preaching. He will teach from Luke 18:9-30, 35-43, and gave us the following teaser… 

This passage speaks to how we only come to Jesus as beggars, children, tax collectors—bankrupt, marginalized, condemned. But we unwittingly bring our “middle-class sensibilities” into our relationship with Jesus, which is a danger. The only way we come to Jesus is like a child, humbled and bankrupt. In this season of feeling weak, out-of-control, dependent, perhaps financially or physically threatened, there may be a spiritual opportunity to embrace the weakness. This is good for our souls, especially for those who are diligent and accomplished.

In Palm Springs, we are excited to have the Rev. Dr. Peter Leithart teaching on the book of Revelation for the whole weekend, but specifically preaching on Revelation 6:9-11 on Sunday morning. He gave us the following teaser… 

Sunday’s Sermon is the Triumph of the Witnesses. When Jesus opens the fifth seal, John sees martyrs beneath the altar, crying for vindication. Revelation portrays God's answer to their prayer, following the martyrs as they ascend to heavenly thrones to reign with Christ.

I look forward to both attending the Men’s Retreat and worshiping with the rest of you this Sunday morning in Newport Beach! 

Pastor Adam