
Jesus' First Words

Luke 2:41-52

December 29, 2019 • Mr. Derek Rishmawy

Merry Third Day of Christmas!

Keep the celebration going during these 12 days of Christmas. Here are 10 suggestions to stay in the spirit during these next 10 days of Christmas:

* Sing carols together with friends and family.

* Keep your Christmas tree, lights, and decorations up.

* Bake cookies and give some to your neighbors.

* Do individual or family Morning & Evening Prayer together using Redeemer’s Advent/Christmas Guide (also in our APP)

* Add a Christ candle to the center of your advent wreath and light it every night.

* Watch a Christmas movie with family or friends.

* Have a “silent night.” Turn off every electronic and share Christmas memories, go through old Christmas photos, or talk about which Christmas story character you most relate with.

* Review all those Christmas cards you received and pray for each person/family.

* Give gifts to those in need instead of returning gifts.

* Plan for a “Twelfth Night” party on January 5th.

This upcoming Sunday, on the fifth day of Christmas, we’ll continue singing Christmas carols together and we’ll hear a sermon from Derek Rishmawy, the RUF at UCI Campus Minister, from the Gospel of Luke 2:41-51. This is the story of the boy Jesus in the temple. It’s also the text where we hear Jesus’ first recorded words. Read, meditate, and pray through this text and reflect over importance of Jesus’ first words.

I look forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Adam

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