
Live In Step With The Gospel

May 8, 2022 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann • Acts 11:1–18, Galatians 2:11–14

Have you ever succumbed to peer pressure?
Are you a people-pleaser and find it hard to say, “No”?
Are you codependent with someone?
Do you control your life in such a way so people will not think bad of you?

We all struggle with the problem of fearing others. We are all concerned with what others think about us and often we let what other people think dictate our actions. We will even behave contrary to our professed beliefs and act like hypocrites because of our fear of others.

This Sunday we will be looking at Galatians 2:11-14. It is an awkward passage. Paul opposes Peter to his face over Peter's fear of others and hypocritical actions. However, Paul doesn't confront Peter because he failed morally. Paul considers Peter's actions a gospel issue.

Join me this Sunday as we consider how to live in step with the truth of the gospel against the threat of fearing others.

I look forward to worshiping with you!

Pastor Adam