
A Prayer of Confession

Psalm 51:1-19

August 4, 2019 • Rev. Josh Eby

Everyone sins.

Everyone needs to confess their sin.

And everyone needs to learn how to receive and offer forgiveness.

Psalm 51 is a raw and beautiful prayer that teaches us how to be people who regularly confess and forgive.

In Christ, all our sins are washed away, a new heart is created in us, and a renewed right spirit is placed within us. However, we still sin and need to be in the habit of praying Psalm 51 on repeat.

This Sunday Rev. Josh Eby will continue our Summer Psalms series by preaching on Psalm 51 - A Prayer of Confession. To prepare for Sunday, read, meditate, and pray through Psalm 51. As you do, let the words of this psalm become your words, your prayer.

I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!

Pastor Adam

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