
A Prayer for Justice

Psalm 7

August 25, 2019 • Mr. Derek Rishmawy

“Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end.” - A prayer from Psalm 7.

Let this cry for justice become our prayer.

Evil and sin is rampant in our world (and in ourselves).

Psalm 7 describes God as a righteous judge who hates evil and loves justice. This Sunday we have the privilege of welcoming Derek Rishmawy, the new RUF Campus Minister at UCI, as we hear him preach on Psalm 7, A Prayer for Justice.

To prepare for Sunday, read, meditate, and pray through Psalm 7. Let the words make you feel uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because of the evil and sin inside you, and uncomfortable because of the evil and sin this world. But then, let this reality comfort you: God is a righteous judge, he is on your side and he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to deal with all evil and sin.

I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!

Pastor Adam

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