
Being A Believer - 2B

06/14/24 - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that we need to apply God’s Word personally. It is essential for us to search our hearts and know that Jesus is real, and remember our Lord's forgiveness.

Who Makes A Church Relevant? - 3A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God gave us spiritual gifts to make the church relevant. We have all that we need to live a life for God, and to share our faith with others, even in the darkest of times.

What Makes A Church Relevant? - 2B

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that strife and quarreling in the church disrupts Spiritual maturity and growth. When there is division, many will lose sight of their spiritual gifts, and grow weary in their work for the Lord.

What Makes A Church Relevant? - 2A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that just because a church is called a “church,” doesn’t make it a church. A relevant church will have clear evidence that Jesus Christ is preached and that the Holy Spirit is at work among the people.