
Who Makes A Church Relevant? - 3A

06/21/24 - 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that God gave us spiritual gifts to make the church relevant. We have all that we need to live a life for God, and to share our faith with others, even in the darkest of times.

When Is A Church Relevant? - 4B

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that Heaven is our ultimate home, and whoever calls on the Lord Jesus Christ will be going there.

When Is A Church Relevant? - 4A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that a church is relevant when it is recognized by its unity. One spirit, in Christ, and faithful to God.

Who Makes A Church Relevant? - 3C

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that if you are a Christ follower, yet are not sure what your gifts are, you should ask the Lord to show you what the Holy Spirit has prepared for you.