
Overwhelmed Episode 1

The Cave

April 27, 2019 • Seth McRae

I Sam 17. David defeats Goliath and marries King Saul's daughter. He becomes a national hero. Saul begins to see him as a threat. By I Samuel 19 David becomes a fugitive, running and hiding from Saul. I Sam. 22:1 He is overwhelmed by life. Lessons from the cave: 1 Even strong people get overwhelmed. Ps. 142:4-6. 2 Even when I am overwhelmed, God is still over all. Blind faith - close your eyes to life's problems. Biblical faith looks at reality and faces life's problems. Ps. 57:4. Shifts focus to God. Ps. 34. 3 The presence of problems does not mean the absence of God. John 20:1.

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