
World of Lies

Introducing the World of Lies Video Series

August 3, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Welcome to World of Lies. Scripture repeatedly warns of deception on a massive scale in the Last Days, so why are Christians seemingly so unconcerned? Has their access to theological information and their acceptance of orthodox doctrine caused them to believe they are impervious to being deceived? It's time for every Christian to humble ourselves and ask the Lord to purify our hearts. We hope this series will help you to find the truth, live in the truth and love the truth.

#1 - A Concealed Threat

August 3, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Every lie and half-truth carries with it a hidden danger ready to steal, kill and destroy our life in God. There’s an unexpected danger that is threatening a person who’s constantly being barraged with lies: a person can start to think that it’s impossible to know what’s true and what’s a lie and this can give way either to despair or to cynicism, both of which are dangerous paths for the Christian.

#2 - The Truth about Deception

August 17, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

When the biblical writers talked about the last days, one main characteristic of these times emerged: deception on a massive scale; a global assault on truth that would deceive not only the unbelieving world, but multitudes inside the four walls of the Church. I don’t think that there’s any question that we are living in the very last of those Last Days. If that’s true, then there is one thing we know for sure. We are being lied to every day, all day, in a bunch of different ways. We’re going to look at some of the specific ways that deception confronts all of us in future interviews, but today we want to look at the truth about deception: what it is. How it works. Why people are deceived.

#3 - Deceived About the Truth

August 24, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

What hope can we have that we will ever be able to get a hold of Truth? When we look around Western civilization, we see a self-acclaimed progressive culture that has stripped away any meaning from the word “truth.” Truth has become nothing more than feelings, emotions and subjective experience. The plight in the Western Church is not much better. Despite overwhelming access to Biblical knowledge, little or no fruit is being manifested in multitudes of professing Christians' daily lives. Even for those who hold tightly to orthodox doctrine, there can be a temptation to keep the Truth from going any further than head knowledge. Our only hope is a hunger for the Truth. Our only hope is a one-on-one relationship with God. Our only hope is humbly receiving the Word of God and allowing it to transform our minds.

#4 - The United States of Deception

August 31, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

America has often been called the greatest nation on earth, founded on the belief that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are God-given rights for all. But what has been the outcome and the fruit of such noble-sounding ideals? Today you many believe things like "I deserve everything I want;" "my version of the truth is obviously right;" "the government exists to serve me;" "no one can judge me." How could the ideals of our founding devolve into such selfishness and pride? In this interview, we discuss how the lies of the academic, business, and political realms have helped form us into The United States of Deception.

#5 - Deception.com

September 7, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Technology has made it so easy to saturate our minds with plenty of information, news and entertainment. And don’t forget LIES.

#6 - A Gospel of Lies

September 14, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Scripture tells us that the last days are characterized by deception on a global scale. But Jesus and the apostles didn’t primarily warn us about deception that would come from the world. The main thing they were concerned about was the deception that would assault Christians from inside the church. And any serious student of Scripture will quickly conclude that our modern church is filled with messages that match the description of these lies which the apostles spoke of. Part six of our current series, World of Lies, discusses why Christians must have discernment in order to overcome the deception seeking to cripple their faith.

#7 - The Father of Lies

September 21, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Jesus said that the devil has been a, “murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” When you consider that the devil once shared in the riches of God’s goodness and love, this statement reveals the depths to which he fell. He knew first-hand the spiritual riches and beauty that even the sincerest believers have only tasted. Yet, he abandoned the truth and was cast down from heaven. Since that rebellion, Satan has spent 6,000 years reveling in lies. Everywhere he goes, he brings with him a powerful spiritual atmosphere of deception. And in order to disentangle ourselves from this atmosphere, we must see why deception is the prevailing characteristic of our day. Today we expose the strategies and character of the father of lies. To learn about Dustin Renz and Make Way Ministries, visit http://makewayministries.com. There you’ll find out about his online ministry, speaking ministry, and published materials. Purity for Life is a production of Pure Life Ministries. You can find all of our teaching materials, including Walking in Truth in a World of Lies, by visiting http://purelifeministries.org. You can also find out about our residential and phone-counseling programs if you or someone you care about is trapped in the deception of sexual sin.

#8 - Forsaking the Land of Deception

September 28, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

We’ve come to a critical point in our series, World of Lies. So far, we’ve discussed how deception works and why it’s so dangerous to the Christian. We’ve looked at how our culture is constantly feeding us ungodly messages and seen that even the church is filled with proponents of these same lies. Now we turn and begin examining how to really Walk in Truth in a World of Lies. Today we look at the first part of that process. It begins with a choice that every one of us must make at some point in our lives. This choice is much like the one God asked Abraham to make. He had to choose to forsake his life in a pagan nation, leave everything he had ever known, and to go to a land God would show him. God is asking each one of us to make that same choice, trusting Him, like Abraham, to bring us to a better land. So, will you heed the call, and once and for all Forsake the Land of Deception?

#9 - The Painful Fight for Truth

October 5, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

There is a spiritual war being waged against your soul. Whether you are aware of it or not, the enemy has many weapons and strategies aimed at breaking through the walls of our heart and bringing in the vilest pollutions that will destroy us from within. He is ruthless and will assail us with a barrage of lies through culture and media until we cannot resist his temptations. But something else puts our souls in eternal danger. There is a traitor in our very midst: our own flesh. Our hearts are desperately wicked, and every day, as we seek to stand against the tides of deception raging against us, we must also restrain this traitor from his constant attempts to open the gate and surrender to our enemy. We must be willing to root out the traitor and put him to death or risk our hearts being overthrown.

#10 - Eternity on the Line

October 12, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Time is steadily ticking down to the very end of this age. The reality of our daily lives will determine everything about our eternity.