
#7 - The Father of Lies

September 21, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Jesus said that the devil has been a, “murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” When you consider that the devil once shared in the riches of God’s goodness and love, this statement reveals the depths to which he fell. He knew first-hand the spiritual riches and beauty that even the sincerest believers have only tasted. Yet, he abandoned the truth and was cast down from heaven. Since that rebellion, Satan has spent 6,000 years reveling in lies. Everywhere he goes, he brings with him a powerful spiritual atmosphere of deception. And in order to disentangle ourselves from this atmosphere, we must see why deception is the prevailing characteristic of our day. Today we expose the strategies and character of the father of lies.

To learn about Dustin Renz and Make Way Ministries, visit makewayministries.com. There you’ll find out about his online ministry, speaking ministry, and published materials. Purity for Life is a production of Pure Life Ministries. You can find all of our teaching materials, including Walking in Truth in a World of Lies, by visiting purelifeministries.org. You can also find out about our residential and phone-counseling programs if you or someone you care about is trapped in the deception of sexual sin.

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