
Don't Be Deceived by Talent & Charisma

Episode 11 Part 1

Many of us have heard of reality-TV shows such as America’s Got Talent or The Apprentice. Prestigious award ceremonies, such as The GRAMMYs and The Oscars, decorate the abilities of the highest echelon of musical and acting talent worldwide. Humanity tunes into these shows and roots for their favorite entertainers because it is easy to get swept away by those who can rouse our emotions and give us goose bumps.

And this same type of attitude has quietly slithered its way into an apathetic and worldly-minded church. In our American church culture, many talented and ambitious Christians have made very big names for themselves and have a wide impact on the hearts and minds of many people. Unfortunately, through this, a door has been opened for a subtle deception to creep into the church.

As Steve Gallagher warns us in this episode, when we allow talented and gifted men who can stir up our emotions to be given positions of prominence and influence in our lives and in the church rather than men who are of godly character who call people to live a life of self-sacrifice and to live like Christ, we cannot have the spiritual discernment needed to detect the falsehoods that will come to deceive many in these last days.

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