
When Satan Ruled the Earth

Episode 2 Part 1

The global flood described in the book of Genesis represents a unique event in human history. The destruction of all flesh, save for Noah and his family, is so distinct an incident that God Himself promised never to do it again.

But what could possibly have caused the Lord to react so strongly toward His beloved creation? What could have caused this creation, which He Himself had once described as, “very good,” to descend into such wickedness that their thoughts became constantly evil?

In episode 2 of Babylon: The Seat of Satan’s Power, Steve Gallagher discusses four of the actions and attitudes of mankind which led to this great cataclysm. And we find that these reasons warn us to avoid all such ways in our own lives.

This series is based on the book Intoxicated with Babylon: The Seduction of God’s People in the Last Days by Steve Gallagher. You can find out more about that book by visiting our bookstore.

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