
#491 - Refined as Silver: Self Esteem Brings a Legion of Lies

July 4, 2022

When we are injured physically, our body automatically responds by beginning to heal itself. Similarly, when we are injured emotionally or spiritually, we begin to try to heal ourselves. But here's the problem. When it comes to emotional pain, our natural reactions often end up doing even more damage to us in the long run. We can’t simply heal ourselves – we need God to do His work in us and as we know, His ways are not like our ways. Join us as we explore the danger of trying to find healing through boosting our self-esteem in another follow up to our "Refined as Silver" series.

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From the Chapel: Marriage Couldn't Cure My Porn Addiction, But Jesus Did!

June 13, 2024

In this "From the Chapel" segment: Tyler hoped that marriage would cure his life-long porn addiction. But marriage couldn't fix him. What he really needed was a radical transformation of his heart.

#583 - Can Our Marriage Bed Ever Be Pure Again? | Ask the Counselor

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From the Chapel: Freedom is Found in the Love of God

June 6, 2024

If our hearts were truly full of the love of God, sin would have no power over us, because we would be truly satisfied in God. That's what Luke Imperato talks about in this "From the Chapel" segment.