
Psalm 78: Part 1: Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalms 78: Part 1

August 20, 2022 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds • Psalm 78

We're beginning a series in Psalm 78 today, where Asaph, the psalmist, is recounting how God had been faithful to his ancestors, the Israelites, and how they had often repaid Him with disobedience. Please join me in the first 8 verses...

1 My people, hear my teaching;
listen to the words of my mouth.
2 I will open my mouth with a parable;
I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
3 things we have heard and known,
things our ancestors have told us.
4 We will not hide them from their descendants;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
his power, and the wonders he has done.
5 He decreed statutes for Jacob
and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors
to teach their children,
6 so the next generation would know them,
even the children yet to be born,
and they in turn would tell their children.
7 Then they would put their trust in God
and would not forget his deeds
but would keep his commands.
8 They would not be like their ancestors—
a stubborn and rebellious generation,
whose hearts were not loyal to God,
whose spirits were not faithful to him.

The first eight verses in this psalm serve a great purpose. It's what I’m calling the “yets” and the “therefores” and the “so’s” of what God did without being reminded that God always has a bigger purpose than we think in everything He does.

My encouragement to you today, dear shepherd leader, is to evaluate what God has done in your life — or in previous generations of your family — that your children need to know so that they, and generations after them, may continue to put their hope in God and keep His commandments.

What are the testimonies in your life of God having a bigger purpose than you imagined? Have you shared them and allowed them to encourage others?

May you live deeply into your calling this week.