
Psalm 126 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 126

August 3, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 126

This is Holly Culhane with Presence Point and welcome once again to our Psalms for Shepherds podcast. This week we continue our journey in the Psalms of Ascent with Psalm 126. 


Although perhaps written as a corporate lament, there is much language of hope and joy in these six verses. Nearly every verse contains an expression of joy – laughter, images of restored fortunes, streams in the desert, and abundance of harvest. 


However, we can also see in the song that the current state of the psalmist is not one of joy, ease, and abundance, yet he writes and sings in hope. Much like the hope we found in Psalm 125! 


It was the looking back at God’s faithfulness, at what He had done in the past that allowed the psalmist and singers to proclaim in that moment that they were filled with joy.  


The question we must ask ourselves is this:  Do we live like this, dear shepherd? Facing the day as author Pete Santucci says, “like giddy dreamers whose dreams had actually come true”?, remembering God’s grace, His merciful love, the beauty in your life, and your standing in Christ no matter what may come?  


The psalm is a reminder to remember… to remember the goodness of God. 


The writers of the She Reads Truth Bible reading plan, The Psalms of Ascent, sum up Psalm 126 this way: 


“This song uses the memory of hardships [and rejoicing] as encouragement to remember that joy is worth the journey. And with that hope, this song calls the singers to be confident God will continue to use sadness to bring a better joy as they press forward.” 


Yes, the joy in Jesus is worth the journey through this world.  


Today, do you need to be reminded of how in the past our Good Shepherd has kept and cared for you, or a loved one, or one or more of sheep in your life? 


Pour out your prayer to Him, and may this psalm be a template for you. 


Look back. 


Choose praise and joy. 


Lay your requests before Him with the confident expectation that He will certainly be faithful again. After all, He has promised it. 


My prayer is that your sadness and mine, when it comes, will bring a better joy to us as we press forward, and that you find yourself held, hope-filled, and at peace in the presence of your Shepherd today. 


Thank you for joining me this week. As you allow Jesus to shepherd you, may you shepherd well those He has entrusted to your care.