Psalm 135 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 135

November 16, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 135

This is Holly Culhane with Presence Point and welcome to our Psalms for Shepherds podcast. 


This week our focus is on Psalm 135, which begins a series of psalms that emphasize praising our God. This particular psalm’s emphasis is on praising our God for who He is and what He has done. 


The psalmist begins this psalm with praise to our Lord and ends with praise to our Lord.  


In between those moments of praise and worship, we are reminded that our Lord: 

is good 

that we should celebrate His name with music 

that He chose Israel as His own special possession 

that He is greater than any other god 

and that He is in complete control of the heavens and the earth, even the seas and their depths, the clouds, the lighting, and the wind. 


This psalm clearly reminds us of five important facts. 

Our Lord is God. He chose us. 

Our Lord is sovereign and does what He pleases. 

Our Lord is compassionate and vindicates His people. 

Our Lord is the true and living God and He cares for us, and 

Our Lord should be praised because He is present with us! 


Dear fellow under-shepherd, no matter the circumstances you face, no matter how difficult the sheep in your life seem right now, no matter your health, your wealth, or the decisions that stand before you, you can praise the Lord right now! And know that He hears you and that His provision, His protection, and His presence are with you, enveloping you with every step you take. 


May you live deeply into your calling this week to be an under-shepherd who praises our God, and may you communicate that attitude of praise to those you shepherd in every area of your life.