
Psalm 119 | Part 22 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 119 | Part 22

May 25, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 119:169–176

This is Holly Culhane with Presence Point and welcome to our last week in the remarkable 119th chapter of the book of Psalms.  

We’re looking at the concluding passage of this acrostic based on the Hebrew alphabet – verses 169 through 176 – entitled Tav. 

This psalm is composed of one prayer request: 

“O Lord, listen to my cry…” 

then a sweet confession: 

 “I have wandered away like a lost sheep…”  

followed by a second request: 

“Come and find me, for I have not forgotten your commands.” 


Timothy and Julie Tennent, authors of a Meditative Journey Through the Psalms, write this about the final portion of this acrostic psalm: “Psalm 119 brings us to a stunning close, one that is crucial for understanding the larger message of the psalm as a whole.” 


As Christians, we learn to look back from the perspective of the New Testament as we read the Old Testament. In the same way, it is important to read Psalm 119 by looking back at it from the perspective of the final verse of the psalm, which stands as a kind of final testimony, closing statement, or interpretive witness for all that has preceded it.  


As the Tennant’s point out, “This psalm is filled with dozens of strong affirmations concerning the faithful determinations of the psalmist to follow God and his way of righteousness without wavering.... Suddenly, and perhaps unexpectedly, the psalm ends with the striking admission: ‘I have wandered away – or strayed – like a lost sheep.’...” 


“It is the final word of grace,” the Tennant’s write, “like that powerful moment in Isaiah when, after a series of exalted, unparalleled revelations, Isaiah says, ‘We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way, and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.’” 


The Tennant’s remind us that, “As it turns out, the final word is the reminder that obedience, single-mindedness, and determined love of God’s commandments are all made possible THROUGH HIS GRACE, without which we are those who have ‘strayed like lost sheep’.” 


Indeed, we are all sheep who have strayed. And indeed we have been found, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.  


Thank you for joining me. May you live deeply into your calling this week to influence well in your sphere of influence.