
Psalm 130 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 130

October 5, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 130

This is Holly Culhane with Presence Point and welcome to our Psalms for Shepherds podcast.  


This week, the journey through the Psalms of Ascent continues in Psalm 130. This song begins with the psalmist in deep distress on behalf of the Jewish community, crying out to God for mercy and, ultimately, placing his hope in the Lord.  


His perspective changes because he knows that Yahweh will save them in His divine time. Based on that confidence, the psalmist then invites Israel to wait for the Lord. 


I recently read the Christian allegory The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. One of the lessons of the book is that a despairing state cannot actually hurt a pilgrim unless they choose to believe it, because it does not reflect the reality of the truth of our God. 


That is exactly what the psalmist is illustrating in this song. When in despair – no matter the cause – we must cry to our God for help. 


It is only He that can lift the burden, fill us with hope, and love us with a love that never betrays, never stops, never collapses, and never disappoints. He then allows us to do the same for others (even the most difficult of sheep).  


He delivers us from the enemy, whether that enemy is ourselves, one or more of the sheep of our pasture, or the evil one himself. And that deliverance – the deliverance of our Good Shepherd – will come with abundance.   


My friend, what or who represents despair in your life right now? 


What do you need to do to move forward with hope? 


Is there a burden you need to lay down at the foot of the cross to move from being a pilgrim with a heavy load to walking more freely?  


Is there hope in the Lord you need to claim today, or His love in which you need to dwell, or His redemption and rescue that you need to celebrate?  


I encourage you to take fifteen minutes right now to seek the Lord’s face, to jot down the answers to those questions, and to spend time with Him. His Provision, His Protection, and His Presence will sustain you. 


Thank you for joining me this week. I pray that you lighten your load and live even more deeply into your calling as shepherd in the lives of those sheep entrusted to your care.