
The Risk of Shepherding Well

Digging Deeper Questions

March 12, 2024

 She was an accidental shepherdess, you might say. Orphaned, kidnapped, held captive, and raped, this illiterate woman from modern-day Iran ultimately found herself Queen. The circumstances had not come from a Kate Middleton meets Prince William type of fairy tale, but by decree “to gather all the beautiful young virgins... in all the provinces of the Kingdom... to the harem” – 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia. Favor and kindness rested upon her, and after a year of spa days and selected foods, the King rested the royal crown upon her head. On the surface it seems like a happy ending to much trauma. 

But Esther was a Jew. And as has been the case throughout history, a person of seeming authority wanted the Jews annihilated. The edict had been issued. A price was on their heads.