
Psalm 119 | Part 16 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 119 | Part 16

February 24, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 119:113–120

This is week 16 of our series on Psalm 119, and we’re looking at verses 121 through 128. This stanza of the Psalm is based on the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, known as Ayin. In this portion of Psalm 119, the psalmist --- the author --- feels he is at the mercy of his enemies and that he has done what is just and right, and wants assurance that God will rescue him.

The psalmist knows and expresses in this psalm that God is the ULTMATE PROTECTOR. He can intervene at any time He chooses, just as He did for the children of Israel. So he is begging God to do so.

Sometimes, though, God does not intervene.

Our status as children of God, as those who love Him, follow His Word, and serve as His under-shepherds, does not shield us from the arrogant and the evil around us. Sometimes it seems that God is doing nothing. Maybe someone in your congregation, on your work team, in your community, or even in your neighborhood, is making life difficult for you. They may be spreading lies, undermining a task you’re trying to accomplish, or, worse yet, working to tarnish your reputation. Maybe it is evil you are experiencing at school or at work.

You have been clear with God, as the psalmist was, that you need to be rescued and delivered from whatever you are facing, but God has not yet acted. He has not stepped in and saved the day! He has not done whatever it is you are hoping He would do.

Or does it just seem that way?

My dear fellow under-shepherd, God is ALWAYS working. He is ALWAYS hearing our pleas for help, our complaints, our fears, our concerns. We need never question His presence even if we cannot feel it. We need never question His provision even if we cannot see it. We need never question His protection even if we cannot hear His army approaching. 

As the psalmist ultimately says, we need to trust our Lord. Fully. With His timing. His ways. His truth. Even in the midst of oppression.

The bottom line to this passage is that no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes God to save, we, like the psalmist, have blessed assurance that the Lord is our rewarder. He is our surety (because God keeps His promises). He is our Master and the final judge. 

Shepherd leader, what will you do with the truths in this passage? How will you apply them?

May we live deeply into our calling this week.