
The Deep Trust of a True Shepherd: Part 1

Digging Deeper Questions

March 12, 2024

It was the first time God spoke to Abram, but Yahweh made His instruction clear...


The Lord had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation.” —Genesis 12:1


An idol worshipper, according to Joshua 24, Abram had specifically been chosen by the God of the universe to be the father of the Almighty’s chosen nation. Unexpectedly, it would seem. After all, Abram did not include the one true God in the list of the gods he worshipped.

But Esther was a Jew. And as has been the case throughout history, a person of seeming authority wanted the Jews annihilated. The edict had been issued. A price was on their heads.