
Psalm 119 | Part 21 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 119 | Part 21

May 11, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 119:161–168

This is Holly Culhane with Presence Point and welcome to week 21 in our series on Psalm 119.  


Today, we’re looking at verses 161 through 168, the stanza of this psalm that is based on the letter Shin in the Hebrew alphabet.  


David is continuing his plea to God to save him, but in this stanza, he has a peace, a shalom, that emanates from his reverence and belief in God’s Word. Just as it should for us during times of difficulty. 


I know that communicating with the Father, praising him, beseeching Him for myself and on behalf of others, and sitting silently before Him listening expectantly for His response brings shalom to me. Doing so several times a day would, most certainly keep us in the same mental and spiritual space that David was in, resting in total and complete confidence in the Father and His Word, hating lies, seeking truth, loving what the Father reveals, telling God that we will do whatever He tells us, keeping God’s instructions, following His directions, and abiding in His counsel. 


The question is: Do we do that? Do we make decisions that will result in the true shalom He offers, or do we skirt around His Word choosing what we will believe and what we will follow based on what seems easy, or right, or comfortable to us? 


Do we as the Father’s under-shepherds seek truth, love His Word, do what it instructs, follow His direction, and abide in His counsel? 


Whether we embrace the Father and all for which He stands will affect how we shepherd those He entrusts to our care, so today I’m suggesting that you pause for at least ten minutes and ask yourself those questions. Listen for the Holy Spirit’s answers rather than your own, and journal what you hear. 


Thank you for joining me. I pray you’ll live deeply into your calling this week and shepherd well all of those the Father has entrusted to your care.