
Psalm 119 | Part 19 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 119 | Part 19

April 6, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 119:145–152

This is Holly Culhane with Presence Point and welcome to week 19 of 22 in our series on Psalm 119.  


Today, we’re looking at verses 145 through 152, the stanza of this Psalm that is based on the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Qoph (pronounced KUPH or KOPH).  


This passage is a reminder to us as under-shepherds, to go often to the Father on our behalf and on behalf of the sheep n our lives and to do so as an act of love, with our eyes open, to watch and pray as Nehemiah did, and as Jesus, Paul, and Peter commanded us “to watch and pray”, to be alert, ready, and aware of what is happening around us, because as Warren Wiersbe alerts, “We are soldiers in a battle and we dare not go to sleep while on duty.” 


We are, in fact, on duty, fellow shepherd. We are, in fact, responsible for those we lead, for how we influence those with whom we come in contact, for the behaviors we demonstrate, for watching out for the well-being of those who report to us, of those we report to, and of those we work, stand, and fight with - at home, at church, and in our communities. 


I pray that we will often reach out to the Father IN LOVE, not with an ask, but in gratitude. And may we, in fact, remember that ARE in a battle, that the sheep of our pasture are counting on us, and that we dare not go to sleep. 


Thank you for joining me.