Pisgah Baptist Church
Pisgah Baptist Church
Christ and Your Life
Jesus is
An advent series
Who is God?
A Study Over the Doctrine of God
God's Work and God's Promise
Advent Lessons
Are God's Words His Words?
A study through the doctrine of revelation and scripture
The Gospel of John
An Exegetical Pursuit to Know the Savior
Stay Faithful
A short series on the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation 2 and 3
Christ and your Heritage
Mercy and Ministry
A study through 2 Corinthians 4 & 5
Stand Alone Sermons
Sermons that are not a part of a specific sermon series.
Oh, the Joy!
Guest Preaching
Favorite Texts Series
An exegetical series on Pastor Doug's favorite biblical texts
Worship Playlists
Worship music to encourage you throughout the week
Psalm 119
Your Word and My Life