
"Fire Starter"

Get fired up to do and be what you were called to be...

June 27, 2020 • Pastor Zaid

More from "Fired Up"

"The Decisive Question"

August 1, 2020 • Pastor Anthony Boger

When you're living a life that's on fire for God you will become a witness. A life that's on fire cares about the others that Christ gave His life for. Do you care?

"Feel the Burn"

July 25, 2020 • Elder Oma Batiste

Elder Batiste continues with part two of her sermon examining the encounter between God and Moses at the burning bush.

"Through the Fire"

July 11, 2020 • Pastor Zaid

God will never leave or forsake http://you...no matter what. So when you're going through challenging situations remember that you are not alone and that He's just a prayer away. He will get you through the fire.