
"Through the Fire"

God will be with you as you go through the challenging times of life.

July 11, 2020 • Pastor Zaid

God will never leave or forsake you...no matter what. So when you're going through challenging situations remember that you are not alone and that He's just a prayer away. He will get you through the fire.

More from "Fired Up"

"The Decisive Question"

August 1, 2020 • Pastor Anthony Boger

When you're living a life that's on fire for God you will become a witness. A life that's on fire cares about the others that Christ gave His life for. Do you care?

"Feel the Burn"

July 25, 2020 • Elder Oma Batiste

Elder Batiste continues with part two of her sermon examining the encounter between God and Moses at the burning bush.

"This Praise Is On Fire"

July 4, 2020 • Elder Chris Jordan

The Bible is clear on what praise is, how we should praise and why we should praise. We have to remember that the Bible doesn't tell us how we should enjoy praise but it's clear on how God likes to be praised! Let's praise Him like He likes it. Jeremiah 20:9 describes a praise that's on fire..."it's like fire shut up in my bones".