
Fearless in the Face of Finances

February 21, 2016 • Lester Zimmerman & Rob heagy

We are going to talk about some of the fears and worries that surround the issue of finances. Rob Heagy is joining me in sharing some insights and about he and Tara’s journey in the area of trusting God with their finances. Rob works for High Concrete and Tara has a hair salon.
The fear surrounding finances is one of the top fears and causes of anxiety in people’s lives. The fear of not having enough or the fear of losing what you do have is something people struggle with.
Jesus talked a lot about money. He taught 38 parables that dealt with money management. He talked more about the role of money in our lives then he did on prayer. I believe he did this because he knew the power money can have over us if we don’t learn how to handle this issue in our lives. One of these teachings of Jesus about material things in our lives is found in Matthew 6.

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