
Fearless Under Fire

March 13, 2016 • Brian Flewelling

We’ve been learning how God our father doesn’t want his children to live lives clamped by worry and fear. We’ve been learning how to live courageously in the face of fear laying siege to our hearts.
- Rejection in our relationships
- In our financial calamity
- Fear of failure, disappointment with myself
- Fear for our families
- Apprehension about death
There’s one last topic we want to address. There seems to be a growing fear among Christians in the United States. The American church is feeling more and more like the outsider at the table. In our television shows and in our judicial decisions Christians are more frequently being painted into radicals who are infringing on the rights of others. Who are standing in the way. Fundamentalist is code word for radical. Evangelical is code word for judgmental. Christians are feeling this mounting sense of scapegoating, cultural labeling and ostracism. People are asking “where is this all heading.”

Fear of mounting societal ostracism, and impending persecution. If we’re not careful, we can pick up the shame attached to these accusations. Victim mentality. And we can let fear cramp us into a corner. Shame, Victimhood, Fear. Since when have those three been our friends. The Bible tells something completely different.

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