
The Holy Spirit Still Empowers

August 20, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

Today we begin a five-part series on the book of Acts. The book is called Acts because it refers to the Acts of the Holy Spirit through God’s people in the early church.
Acts begins with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the beginning of the book and ends with the Apostle Paul still preaching in the power of the Holy Spirit at the end of the book. In between are amazing stories of the Holy Spirit working through God’s people.
The book of Acts gives the history of the Christian church and the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the mounting opposition to it.
Acts is written by Luke who is a doctor and a disciple of the Apostle Paul. He also wrote the gospel of Luke.
There are 28 chapters to the book of Acts but we have entitled this series Acts 29 because the empowering work of the Holy Spirit continues through God’s people. It did not end in Chapter 28. The works of the Holy Spirit continues throughout the generations. The Church of Jesus Christ continues to advance and his Kingdom on earth continues to expand.
We are now living in the days of Acts 29. The Holy Spirit is still empowering God’s people and doing amazing things.
The practical message in this series is that God does amazing things through ordinary people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

More from Acts 29