
The Holy Spirit Still Saves

September 3, 2017 • Lester Zimmerman

We are presently studying the book of Acts and giving a special focus to the ministry and acts of the Holy Spirit in the early church. Even though there are only 28 chapters to the book of Acts we have entitled this series Acts 29 because the empowering work of the Holy Spirit continues through God’s people today.
The works of the Holy Spirit did not stop or decline as the book of Acts closes in chapter 28. The Holy Spirit is still doing his amazing work in the earth through God’s people. We are now living in the days of Acts 29.
• The Holy Spirit still empowers people like he did in the book of Acts
• The Holy Spirit still gives supernatural courage and makes people brave
• And - The Holy Spirit is still saving people all over the earth
Today we are looking at Acts chapters 9 thru 11. These chapter reveal the deep struggle the Jewish people had in accepting Jesus as the Messiah and then also accepting the fact that the gentiles could be saved without converting to Judaism and observing their laws.
Powerful testimony by Ryan Forbes.

More from Acts 29