
Activate School of Worship: Heaven's Worship

Session 4

October 15, 2019 • Anthony Esh

Join us as Anthony Esh discusses, Heaven’s Worship and how our worship is a response and reflection of what is happening in heaven.
Anthony is happily married to Michelle and they have 5 children, including Medea who also serves at EHOP. He owns and operates a local drywall business and has been contending for regional transformation for two decades. Anthony served as worship pastor for more than 15 years at a small church in Reading, PA and is currently a part of the worship teams at EHOP and Reading House of Prayer. He also helps lead worship for Petra's Kingdom Kids on a Sunday morning. One thing that we love about Anthony is his great sense of humor and ability to practically model what it means to live whole-hearted for Jesus. Anthony's passion for Jesus is downright contagious!