
2018 ACTIVATE School Of Prayer

Session 2: The Power of Praying The Word

January 24, 2018 • Kara Sensenig

God's power is released mightily in our lives and in our world when we pray in alignment with His heart and according to His Word. Jesus said, "If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you" (John 15:7). This week in Session 2 of our ACTIVATE School of Prayer, Kara Sensenig shares some nuggets of wisdom related to The power of Praying the Word.
Kara Sensenig has been a follower of Jesus since she was a child, but it was hunger for answers that propelled her into a power encounter with God that radically changed her life and set her on a journey of truly knowing Him and experiencing the supernatural. Kara takes seriously the assignment to call forth the gifts of the Spirit and the unique giftings that reside in each follower of Jesus. Many of Kara’s speaking engagements include time for activation or impartation, as this is a vital part of her DNA and calling.
Prior to itinerate ministry, Kara served with HarvestNET international as the Director of the Kingdom Ministry School. She also gained tremendous experience on staff as the Director of Prayer Ministry at Petra Church. Here she provided vision and oversight while training healing, prophetic, youth and altar ministry teams. In addition to equipping and teaching, she was involved in deliverance, inner healing, and spiritual warfare in crisis situations. Today, in addition to teaching and equipping throughout the region, Kara continues to provide leadership to Eastgate House of Prayer that meets in New Holland. She and her team are contending for regional transformation over Lancaster County and the surrounding regions through consistent and fervent prayer and worship.
Kara received a B.S. in Agronomy and Environmental Science from Delaware Valley University and a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Bloomsburg University. She worked in the education field for over 10 years, first as an Extension Agent with PSU and then as a high school science and agriculture teacher. Kara received her M.Div. with a focus on World Christianity from Evangelical Seminary. She is happily married to Pete and they have 2 young children.