Deserts may feel empty and bleak to us, but from a biblical perspective, they’re places of renewal. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses breakthroughs in desert seasons, or those hard times when it feels like we don’t have the resources or strength to move forward. Looking at the biblical messaging surrounding deserts, Pastor Allen shows that God’s intervention often emerges from those desert seasons, initiating renewal in our lives. Our nation needs renewal, and while it may feel like we’re in the desert now, being obedient to change and realign our priorities will transform our future. Pastor Allen shares stories of biblical people like Zechariah and Elizabeth, Hannah and Samson, and Abraham and Isaac to demonstrate the importance of generational faith. Let’s reignite the faith of our generations, asking God to intervene and renew our nation.
Breakthrough... New Wine
When God is doing something new, it requires of us elasticity—a willingness to change. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our role in breakthroughs. The Bible demonstrates that God’s intervention means we get to be part of the change He initiates. Pastor Allen explains Jesus’ teaching on this concept. In Luke, Jesus tells us that new wine requires new wineskins—breakthroughs will require transformation on our part. He also shares examples of this in the lives of people like Zechariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptist, and Mary: people who received unexpected invitations that required them to make enormous adjustments. God wants to usher us into His perfect plans. Are we ready to make the necessary changes?
The Importance of Community: Life, Values, Experience
Allen Jackson
God's people have an important role in our culture: Keeping the holidays as holy days. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson encourages us to adopt a God-honoring approach to holidays including New Year's Day. He reviews the practices and traditions of several Jewish Holy Days to show how our holidays can be anchored in acknowledging the Lord, aligning ourselves with His will, and celebrating all He has done for us. This approach offers many benefits and will help strengthen our children, our families, and our community.
Breakthrough... Immovable Barriers
The breakthroughs we pray for and seek often come from spiritual victories. We may think the problems we face are political or social, but real change in those arenas can only come from God. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses breakthroughs and the barriers to them we perceive. He draws from the life of Joshua—and the miracle of Jericho’s walls falling—to demonstrate how the opposition we face may seem insurmountable, but it must ultimately surrender to the power and will of God. Change is often required of us in order for the purposes of God to emerge in our lives, and Pastor Allen teaches how obedience is key to receiving His intervention and blessings. Are we ready to demonstrate the strength and courage required for the purposes of God to break forth in our lives and our generation?
Breakthrough... Looting America
Historically, looting is an expression of God’s judgment that happens when His people stop following Him. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the history of plundering in the Bible, sharing examples across the Old and New Testaments. We see this looting in America today, from the diminishment of the quality of our healthcare and schooling to the broad, expected distrust of our political leaders and agencies. Pastor Allen teaches about topics like these from a biblical perspective, and he shows how we can begin to change. If we’re willing to humble ourselves and repent, God is willing to intervene on our behalf. We can't fulfill what He created us for with our own intellect, strength, or efforts—we need a breakthrough!
Breakthrough... Looting Interrupted
God has intervened, and our country has a choice to make. If we change and align our hearts more fully with Him, we’ll experience new freedom—but if we continue in our current patterns, we’re giving momentum to destruction. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what breakthrough looks like on a national level. By examining the history of Israel and Judah in the books of 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and Judges, we see the impact of God’s judgment on His disobedient people: He allowed looting by their enemies and exile from their homeland. Pastor Allen argues that America is experiencing something similar, and the consequences are reflected in our nation’s cultural trends and current events. However, if we humble ourselves and repent, God’s grace is abundant.
Breakthrough...When God Chooses You
God brings breakthroughs to our lives so we can experience new fruitfulness in the season that follows. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses our response to God’s interventions for us. The shepherds in the Christmas story show us how God’s plans are fulfilled through the breakthroughs He initiates. Pastor Allen teaches from this perspective, sharing lessons we can learn about accepting God’s intervention in our lives. He also provides five steps we can take to overcome the burden of rejection: forgive, lay down our baggage, know we’re accepted in Christ, accept ourselves, and find our place in the body of Christ. Asking God for breakthroughs and accepting the new things He reveals to us will help us find more freedom in our lives—and become more effective participants in His Kingdom.
Breakthrough... When God Intervenes
Breakthroughs—moments when God intervenes—bring us a new awareness of His involvement with our lives. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses how breakthroughs happen when we choose to cooperate with God’s plans. Examining the lives of biblical characters like Simeon, Anna, and Moses shows us what listening to the Spirit of God looks like, as well as how to foster the discernment to do so. Obedience is crucial if we want God’s intervention, and as we stand firm in what’s right, He invites us to be part of His unfolding narrative in the earth.
Gifts Given (And Not) - Christmas Eve 2023
God provided all Mary and Joseph needed to complete their assignment, but a casual observer might think some things were missing. In this Christmas Eve sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses God’s plans and provisions versus our plans and expectations. God could have orchestrated Jesus’s birth to take place in a clean and tidy room—not a manger; or He could’ve arranged a more comfortable ending to Mary’s pregnancy than traveling a long distance on the back of a donkey. But Jesus’ birth fulfilled biblical prophecies, and every element was a part of God’s perfect plan for our salvation. Often our lives and our God-assignments don’t look the way we expect and come with difficulty. This doesn’t mean we’re on the wrong path—it’s simply what happens when you follow our perfect God in an imperfect world.
Christmas Gifts - God Sent His Son
The greatest Christmas gift we’ll ever receive is the One God gave us. In this Christmas morning sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson celebrates the person of Jesus. Because of Jesus, we have hope, and we can find freedom from doubt, fear, and worry as we learn to trust in Him. Pastor Allen walks through several passages that show Jesus' compassion, His courage, His strength, and His ability to heal—all of these are available to us today. As we invite Jesus more fully into our lives, He changes everything.
From Manger to Majesty
The story that changed eternity began in a humble place: a manger in Bethlehem. In this Christmas Eve message, Pastor Allen Jackson offers hope that can help us overcome the personal difficulties we face today. Mangers and barns are often full of unpleasant things, and they must be regularly cleaned and refreshed. In a similar way, life tends to present difficult circumstances, and we need to actively protect our hearts from the “manure” of bitterness, anger, and resentment. Pastor Allen helps us address these difficulties so we can more fully embrace the hope and joy that comes from following Christ and the Christmas season.
Christmas, A Promise Fulfilled - Joy and Strength
How do you arrive at the place where you lack nothing? It’s not about asset accumulation or emotional strength or intellectual vitality. It’s about the ability to consider it joy when you encounter various trials. Joy enables us to endure, to overcome, and to honor God with our lives. While most of us are purposeful about achieving happiness, Pastor Allen shares some steps toward cultivating joy.
Holiday Gifts - Wise People Pursue God
Teaching from Matthew 2, Pastor Allen Jackson shows how the “wise men from the east” responded to a prompting from the Spirit of God that would disrupt their lives and send them on a two-year journey that was costly in both time and treasure. In spite of all they would step away from and all they would leave undone, they disregarded popular opinion and followed the star toward Bethlehem. Wise people still pursue God. What are you in pursuit of? Are you willing to say yes to the invitations of the Holy Spirit, in spite of the disruption it may cause the plans you have for your life?
Spiritual Warfare & The End Times - Heaven & Earth
What’s happening in the spiritual realm has a tremendous impact on what takes place in the earth. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the reality of angels and demons and helps us recognize their influence over our lives. We often rely on the next election, debates, and the judicial system to solve our problems, but the Church has the spiritual authority to make a difference in our world. It’s time to take our places, put our faith into practice, intercede, and ask God to intervene on behalf of His people.
Lead with Faith - Last Days–Seasons of Change
The greatest force on Earth for the transformation of humanity is the Church of Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses the role of the Church in our culture today. He teaches about the difference between religious rules and transformational faith, as well as the importance of heart change and being in community with Christ-followers. False gospels are prevalent in our nation and around the globe, and it will take people willing to lead with their faith to counteract them. God is moving in His Church, and Pastor Allen shares that one of the most powerful responses we can give is gratitude. Let’s strive to have the awareness it takes to be thankful for His many blessings and mercies!