

Fight Mar 8

March 8, 2020 • Mark Balmer

Small Group Questions 1) Community: Who do you “run towards Jesus with?” 2) Content: Read 1 Timothy 6:11-21 together. What encourages you about this passage the most? What challenges you/convicts you as well? 3) Content: What are you running from? What are you running towards? 4) Content: Read v17 again. How are we “rich?” Does this verse speak to us? If so, how are we living with this verse in mind? If we are not rich, how would we live if we were? 5) Worship: Thank God for the people who have invested in you and those you are investing in. Take some time to pray and ask God for names of those we could impact and ask God for courage to start conversations, patience to endure people as they bring difficulty and a spirit of boldness as we continue to multiply disciples. 6) Service: Find and make disciples!

Romans Road Mar 1

March 1, 2020 • Chris Stukenberg

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: Which is your favorite verse in the Romans Road? 2) Content: Read each of these verses together – Romans 1:18-23, 2:1-4, 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9-13, 8:1, 12:1-2. What is the most unbelievable aspect of these verses to you? How have you responded to this good news? 3) Content: Practice sharing your faith together using these verses – perhaps in groups of 3 or 4? 4) Content: Work together to memorize at least one these verses together. Try to memorize at least one before you leave. 5) Worship: Worship is an act of obedience. Read Matthew 28:18-20 together and consider how worship and “make disciples” and “teaching them to obey” are related to our faith journey. Obedience is the way to live! It is an act of worship! Let’s make disciples. 6) Service: Share the Romans Road with someone this week!

Chapter 342,109 Feb 23

February 24, 2020 • Mark Balmer

SERMON BASED SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS ACTS 28:11-31 – 2/21/20 1) Community: How do you feel about unfinished stories – exhilarated or disappointed or ______? 2) Content: Read Acts 28:11-31 together. Paul’s “to the Jews first and then to the Gentile” is specific to him. How would we understand this today? How is discipleship an ongoing thing that affects the church and those outside? 3) Content: Look at 28:30-31 again. Share some times in which you shared the Gospel and how it went. How do you “proclaim the kingdom and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness?” What hindrance do you feel in sharing this? 4) Worship: Thank God for faithful men like Paul/Aquila and faithful women like Priscilla. Yet even more note that Luke and Acts is “what Jesus has done” both in His faithfulness and then by the Spirit’s work. We are supposed to MEET God in what He wants to do. It isn’t dependent on us – but we are called to work with Him to accomplish His purposes. Let’s worship a good, big, powerful God by praising Him with our prayers, our voices, our reading of the Scripture and by obeying the Spirit’s leading. 5) Service: If Paul hadn’t gotten to Rome what would have happened?

Please Don't Rock the Boat Feb 9

February 9, 2020 • Mark Balmer

Quick Persuasion Feb 2

February 2, 2020 • Chris Stukenberg

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: How repetitive is your life? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Why? 2) Content: Read Acts 26 together. How many times has Paul shared his faith so far? What if God was giving Paul a “redo” one more time in Israel (while in prison)? What would that say about God? 3) Content: How can God use the mundane events in our life to impact others? 4) Content: On the second page of these notes, read what GK Chesterton once said. What is the wisdom/discipline to see each moment as precious? 5) Worship: Spend time worshipping God for the things that are repetitive. 6) Service: Practice using your repetition this week to serve God and honor Him in it!

To Caesar You Shall Go . Jan 26

January 26, 2020 • Mark Balmer

SBSG Questions 1) Community: What are repetitive issues in life that drive you crazy? 2) Content: Read 1 Peter 4:12-19. Consider what Paul is going through in Acts 25 (and the preceding and proceeding chapters). How does this 1 Peter passage speak to this and help us have an accurate understanding of persecution and coming under trial? 3) Content: How are we the recipients from Paul’s bold witness? Spend some time thinking this through and then talk it out. Take your time. Be thorough. 4) Content: Consider how “repetitive” this past few chapters have been for us. Note how God is using ALL OF IT for His glory! How often do we treat repetitive issues as if God isn’t in control? How might we handle it differently? 5) Worship: Thank God for using even the repetitive and mundane to honor Him. 6) Service: Find ways to be blessed or bless others when repetitive things happen this week!

Prison Letters Jan 19

January 19, 2020 • Alex Unis, Chris Stukenberg, Mark Balmer

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what would you want to communicate and who would you want to communicate with? Why? 2) Content: Read Philippians. We don’t just read scripture out loud enough. Take some time and maybe break it into a few verses or a paragraph per reader. 3) Content: What is your favorite Philippians verse that you just read? How does it encourage your faith? 4) Worship: Spend some time praying for the unity of your families in your group, the unity of our church and a turn toward unity in our city. Only through Christ can this happen! Pray we would make much of Him and shine like lights on this earth. 5) Service: Consider a way to serve one another in the next week. Then create a plan to see this through!

Still Starving Jan 12

January 12, 2020 • Chris Stukenberg

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: How has the beginning of 2020 worked out for you? What have been the biggest joys so far? What have been the lows? Spend some time praying for each other. 2) Content: Read Acts 24:21. The issue here is with resurrection (both Paul’s clever act and the world doesn’t want to think about it). What are the most difficult Christian truths the world has trouble accepting? 3) Content: Paul’s move when he is persecuted is to share his faith. Too often we attempt to retaliate or fight back. What is your tendency when attacked or falsely accused? What should our response be? What can we learn from Paul in this regard? 4) Content: Read Acts 24:22-27. Notice that Felix has a “rather accurate knowledge of the Way,” but doesn’t get it at all. Further, his wife also knows elements of the truth, but not the right elements! What is our plan for those that “think they know Jesus but don’t?” 5) Worship: Consider John 15:1-11, Galatians 1:6-10, Colossians 2:16-23 (there are many others). Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life. Let’s praise Him for this! Let’s also commit ourselves to the one true Gospel! 6) Service: Paul knows how to share his faith. How ready are you to share your faith?

Ends of the Earth By Any Means Jan 5

January 5, 2020 • Mark Balmer

Small Group Questions 1) Community: Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 together. How have we attempted to do this in our own lives? In what ways are we a “servant to all?” 2) Content: Read Acts 23:1-5 together. Note Paul’s respectful tone to the position of High Priest – even if the individual was not honoring God in this moment. Who is the toughest person for us to respect? Why is this? How can we show them respect for their position? 3) Content: Read Acts 23:6-11 together. Paul is awfully crafty here to bring this up. Further, God is working and intends to see His plan accomplished in Paul’s life. How are you working together with God in your life? What are the results you are seeing? 4) Content/Worship: Who are the individuals in our lives who are on the front lines of the culture wars? Let’s pray for them together! 5) Service: Paul’s work is something marvelous. Yet, Jesus promised that those yielding to Him would do marvelous things! (John 14:12-14) How are we yielded to Jesus? How can we get involved so that others will know Him too?

The Troubles Begin Nov 24

November 24, 2019 • Mark Balmer

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: When was a time you felt falsely accused? What happened and how did you handle it? 2) Content: Read Acts 21:27-36 together. Paul’s goal in going to Jerusalem was to deliver a gift to the church there from all the churches he’d planted around the Mediterranean. He is arrested for “stirring up trouble.” How is this similar to the way Jesus was arrested, tried and killed? 3) Content: Review Paul’s testimony in Acts 22:1-21. Consider your testimony. How has Jesus changed you from the inside out? How have you surrendered to Him? What has been the response to this story? 4) Content: Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 together. Considering what you’ve seen of Paul’s life so far, how can he write this? What are the key elements that are most important for you to cling to in your everyday life? 5) Service/Worship: How are you supporting people in your group to walk with Jesus in tough times? Spend some time praying and thanking God for the people sitting around you!

All For the Name Nov 17

November 17, 2019 • Mark Balmer

SBSG Questions: 1) Community: What is the first thing you do or think when you wake up? How focused are you on “being a servant to all” each morning? 2) Content: Read Acts 21:1-26 together. Focus on v11-15 specifically. Would you “go up to Jerusalem” after this prophecy was given to you? Why or why not? 3) Content: Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 together. How are you using your freedom to reach others for Jesus? 4) Service/Worship: Difficult situations show us who we really are. Trying circumstances give insight into our true character. How are we serving together to serve in difficult places? How might we challenge one another better this end?

Ephesians Nov 10

November 10, 2019 • Chris Stukenberg

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: Describe a moment when you had a chance to imitate Christ. How did it go? What happened and what was the result? End this time thanking God for giving us chances to show others Him. 2) Content: Skim Ephesians 1-3 together. Start a list of what Christ has done for us. Ponder this. What is the most impactful to you personally? Share these answers together. 3) Content: Read Ephesians 4:1-6 and 11-16. The church is called to worship God with our lives. How does the maturity of followers of Jesus contribute to this? How are we intended to help one another grow? 4) Service: How are you using your gifts to serve this small group? How are you using your gifts to serve others outside the church? 5) Worship: Pick one of the prayers of Paul in Ephesians and end the time together reading it and praying, using it as a template.

Painful Parting Nov 3

November 3, 2019 • Mark Balmer

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: What was the hardest “final goodbye” you’ve ever had? Please share this story and end the sharing time by praying for each other. 2) Content: Read Acts 20:17-38 together. Focus on v36-38. This is a ministry goodbye that puts a final stamp on this relationship (in this life). Paul has run his race with them and for them. What are some things you would still like to accomplish on mission for Jesus in your life here? 3) Content: Paul says “pay careful attention to yourselves and the flock” in v28. How are you contributing to this? In what ways is our church better off having you involved in this ministry? 4) Service: When someone leaves, it leaves a gap. We’ve had a number of prayer warriors and servants pass in the past few years. What are some gaps we can fill together individually and as a small group? 5) Worship: Read Acts 20:36-38. Note the tears, hugs, kisses and love in this farewell. Paul’s act of worship (in part) was to pour himself out for this church. The church’s act of worship is thanksgiving and praise for God and Paul. Let’s end this small group by worshipping in some way (prayer/songs/etc) thanking God for this group and our church!

Deadly Sleep Oct 27

October 27, 2019 • Mark Balmer

1) Community: What is the craziest thing you’ve seen in church? Share, laugh and tell stories – obviously avoiding slander and embarrassment but capturing joy together. 2) Content: Read Acts 20:1-16 together. When you talk about Park Hills and consider all the church language in Acts, do you use terms for church such as “we/us” or “they/them?” What makes you use that language? Why is that important? 3) Content: Would you consider yourself spiritually awake or asleep? Why? What contributes to your spiritual alertness? What enables spiritual sleep? 4) Service: In lieu of the last two questions, read James 2:14-17. Consider that we want a living and active faith! How can we serve together and impact our neighborhood and/or help local ministries? 5 ) Worship: Read Ephesians 5:19-21. We are to be so full of our love for Jesus that we cannot help but worship! End today by perhaps praying or singing together and/or finding ways to “Give God the Glory – Great things He has done!”

Missions Sunday Oct 20

October 20, 2019

1) Community: Spend some time together thanking God for His mission to His people. Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8. Consider your part in this “making of disciples” and thank God for professional missionaries. Pray for a missionary on the attached packet – our missions packet. 2) Content: Read John 8:12, 9:5+31-38, 12:36+46, 20:31 together. What is the significance of Jesus’ claim that He was “the light of the world?” Why is that important to our view of the world, our view of others, our view of our own lives? 3) Content: What would have been the impact of the incident with the man born blind in John 9? How it would have changed his life? His parents’ lives? His friends? The city? The nation? 4) Service: How are we loving those on the outskirts in our community? 5) Worship: Pray together about Faith Promise. Remind people in the group that this is how individuals like Tibor are funded!