
The Troubles Begin Nov 24

Acts 21:27 - 22:29

November 24, 2019 • Mark Balmer

Sermon Based Small Group Questions

1) Community: When was a time you felt falsely accused? What happened and how did you handle it?
2) Content: Read Acts 21:27-36 together. Paul’s goal in going to Jerusalem was to deliver a gift to the church there from all the churches he’d planted around the Mediterranean. He is arrested for “stirring up trouble.” How is this similar to the way Jesus was arrested, tried and killed?
3) Content: Review Paul’s testimony in Acts 22:1-21. Consider your testimony. How has Jesus changed you from the inside out? How have you surrendered to Him? What has been the response to this story?
4) Content: Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 together. Considering what you’ve seen of Paul’s life so far, how can he write this? What are the key elements that are most important for you to cling to in your everyday life?
5) Service/Worship: How are you supporting people in your group to walk with Jesus in tough times? Spend some time praying and thanking God for the people sitting around you!

More from Acts

Fight Mar 8

March 8, 2020 • Mark Balmer

Small Group Questions 1) Community: Who do you “run towards Jesus with?” 2) Content: Read 1 Timothy 6:11-21 together. What encourages you about this passage the most? What challenges you/convicts you as well? 3) Content: What are you running from? What are you running towards? 4) Content: Read v17 again. How are we “rich?” Does this verse speak to us? If so, how are we living with this verse in mind? If we are not rich, how would we live if we were? 5) Worship: Thank God for the people who have invested in you and those you are investing in. Take some time to pray and ask God for names of those we could impact and ask God for courage to start conversations, patience to endure people as they bring difficulty and a spirit of boldness as we continue to multiply disciples. 6) Service: Find and make disciples!

Romans Road Mar 1

March 1, 2020 • Chris Stukenberg

Sermon Based Small Group Questions 1) Community: Which is your favorite verse in the Romans Road? 2) Content: Read each of these verses together – Romans 1:18-23, 2:1-4, 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, 10:9-13, 8:1, 12:1-2. What is the most unbelievable aspect of these verses to you? How have you responded to this good news? 3) Content: Practice sharing your faith together using these verses – perhaps in groups of 3 or 4? 4) Content: Work together to memorize at least one these verses together. Try to memorize at least one before you leave. 5) Worship: Worship is an act of obedience. Read Matthew 28:18-20 together and consider how worship and “make disciples” and “teaching them to obey” are related to our faith journey. Obedience is the way to live! It is an act of worship! Let’s make disciples. 6) Service: Share the Romans Road with someone this week!

Chapter 342,109 Feb 23

February 24, 2020 • Mark Balmer

SERMON BASED SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS ACTS 28:11-31 – 2/21/20 1) Community: How do you feel about unfinished stories – exhilarated or disappointed or ______? 2) Content: Read Acts 28:11-31 together. Paul’s “to the Jews first and then to the Gentile” is specific to him. How would we understand this today? How is discipleship an ongoing thing that affects the church and those outside? 3) Content: Look at 28:30-31 again. Share some times in which you shared the Gospel and how it went. How do you “proclaim the kingdom and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness?” What hindrance do you feel in sharing this? 4) Worship: Thank God for faithful men like Paul/Aquila and faithful women like Priscilla. Yet even more note that Luke and Acts is “what Jesus has done” both in His faithfulness and then by the Spirit’s work. We are supposed to MEET God in what He wants to do. It isn’t dependent on us – but we are called to work with Him to accomplish His purposes. Let’s worship a good, big, powerful God by praising Him with our prayers, our voices, our reading of the Scripture and by obeying the Spirit’s leading. 5) Service: If Paul hadn’t gotten to Rome what would have happened?