
Day 2 – A God of Promises

The Jesus Clubs 12 Day Challenge

November 18, 2022 • Mason Bristol • Exodus 4, Exodus 5, Exodus 6


“Therefore, say to the people of Israel: ‘I am the Lord. I will free you from your oppression and will rescue you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment”. - Exodus 6:6


In Exodus 1, before Moses was born, we see God is a God full of promises. One of the first promises we see God offer is the promise of deliverance to the Israelites. God later delivers them from their bondage because He said He would. Not only does God make all of these promises to us but he ALWAYS follows through. This is what is so amazing about God, so often people promise us things but fail, but God promises us things and NEVER fails. This should give us hope!! Why? Because God promises us peace, His presence, His protection, freedom, and everlasting life!! We should delight in the promises of the Lord and let them be a beacon of hope for our life. Let this be hope for you. You no longer have to be stuck in a state of depression, anxiety, or even addiction. God promises His healing spirit to us by just calling on the name of Jesus and asking for Him. What does this mean? It means you should ask Jesus to fulfill His promises in your life! Give Him permission to begin to work in your life and free you from depression by giving you joy, or freeing you from addiction through His spirit. 

God promises us to make us new creations once we put our faith and trust in Christ. God’s promises are always offered to you as long as you are breathing. Step into his promises today and ask Him for His life-giving spirit to deliver you from your sinful self and to make you a new creation.


- Did you know that God made a promise to us: that if we believed in the life of Jesus and made Him the Lord of our life we are promised eternity with Him forever?

- How can you best thank God for promising us eternity with Him?

- How can you best tell your friends and family about God’s promise to us?


- Praise for being a good good father who promises us eternal life.

- Thank Him for his grace and forgiveness

- Pray that he would deliver you from sin

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