
Day 5 – The Red Sea Crossing

The Jesus Clubs 12 Day Challenge

November 18, 2022 • Sebastian and Melquea • Exodus 13, Exodus 14, Exodus 15


“Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid, Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.” - Exodus 14:13 


Trapped against the Red Sea, the Israelites faced the incoming Egyptian army sweeping in for the kill. When things seemed hopeless, God parted the Red Sea, allowing Israel to cross through and drowning the Egyptians. 400 years of Israel's slavery in Egypt was terminated in this event as Israel came out of the Red Sea free at last! It took this monumental event to convince Israel that their masters were dead and that they were no longer slaves. 

The Israelites going through the Red Sea is representative of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, and these are all a picture of the new life that we can have in Christ. It is through Jesus' death, burial and resurrection that God delivers us from our past. Just like Israel in Egypt, we are all born slaves- slaves to sin. From birth we are trapped by the sinful nature which made us slaves to wrong beliefs, fears, bad habits, bad attitudes, and self-centeredness. Just as God set Israel free from the bondage of slavery in Egypt as they passed through the Red Sea, God can set us free from the slavery of sin, shame and fear by us being born again. (Romans 6:5,6) Jesus died on a cross for us. The Bible tells us that we were baptized into Jesus' death as He disarmed the power of sin and death from our lives and we were resurrected in Christ in grace, freedom, and power. No longer are we slaves to sin and fear but, we are the righteous children of God! (Romans 6:14,18) 

No matter what bound you in your past, whether it was porn, drugs, depression etc,

God has severed its power over you. You are free indeed to live under your new Lord and master, Christ in you (John 8:36/Col 1:27). 

In Christ, God has made a way to set us free from our past and our failures. He has set us free to not only bring us out of death, but to also bring us in Himself, into newness of life, into salvation, freedom, His Presence, a new life and a new beginning.


- What are some things that God has delivered you from?

- What are some areas of your life where you are believing God for greater deliverance?

- What are some testimonies in your life where God came through in impossible situations?


Father in Jesus’ Name, I thank you that I am a new creation in Christ that you have set me free from being a slave to my former sins. I repent in every area of my life where I have allowed my past to influence me and limit me from walking in your identity, purposes, and calling. I receive your grace, power, and revelation to walk in the fullness of all you have for my life.

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