
Day 12 – Jesus Our Great High Priest

The Jesus Clubs 12 Day Challenge

November 18, 2022 • Janelle K • Exodus 37, Exodus 38, Exodus 39, Exodus 40


Exodus 39:7 “He fastened these stones on the shoulder-pieces of the ephod as a reminder that the priest represents the people of Israel. All this was done just as the Lord has commanded Moses.” 

Hebrews 4:14-16 “So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.”

1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”


Whenever I read genealogies (the family lines of people) in the Bible or all of the instructions on building a tabernacle, my first tendency is to skip it, read it fast, or check out altogether. Yet, God saw these details so important that they were recorded and included in His Word - right along with truth like Jesus dying on the cross and being raised from the dead. With that in mind, it must be pretty important so let’s not skip these chapters thinking they are just a bunch of random details and instead ask the Holy Spirit to show us how these details matter to us today! 

When reading Exodus 37-40, two things stand out to me. First, God is a God of details! Look at how specific every detail is explained in the creation of the tabernacle and the preparation of the priest’s clothes. If the God who created us cared this much about the details of a building and an outfit, how much more does He care about the details in our lives?!

In Exodus 39, it is noted that the priest’s garment had stones to remind him of the people he represented before God. This is wild to me because in Hebrews, the Bible tells us that Jesus is our High Priest. The Bible says that God remembers His people and that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven interceding for us. We see in the Old Testament, that priests had a reminder of the people they represent on their robe and we see in the New Testament that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father representing us and interceding for us. 

How amazing that God cares about every detail! We see His care for us in Exodus as He reminded the Priests who they represented to God. The Bible tells us that God remembers His people and He remembers His promises. Today, be encouraged that Jesus is your High Priest, He remembers YOU, and He is interceding for YOU today at the right hand of God in Heaven. You are seen, you are loved, and you are cared for by the God who created you and He cares about every detail in your life!


- What details of your life are overwhelming you right now? Take a moment and talk to God about those things as He cares for you and every detail of your life.

- Do you see how the priest is reminded of the people he represents when he approaches God? Do you see how this could foreshadow our great High Priest, Jesus?


- Jesus, I know that you care about the details of my life. Today, I ask for your direction, wisdom, and peace about ______ (present a detail in your life that is overwhelming you today). 

- Holy Spirit, I ask that you would reveal to me where you have been in the deep details of my life. I know you are a good God who cares for me and I want to see how you have been with me, even when I have felt alone.

- Jesus, I thank you that you care for me and the details of my life. I thank you that you are a good God, I thank you that I can trust in you. I choose to acknowledge your presence in my life, even when the details don’t make sense to me. I thank you that you are greater than any circumstance I face and I thank you that I don’t face anything alone as you are with me.

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