
Day 8 – A Sanctuary for God

The Jesus Clubs 12 Day Challenge

November 18, 2022 • Kala Boss • Exodus 24, Exodus 25, Exodus 26


“Have them construct a sanctuary for Me, so that I may dwell among them.” - Exodus 25:8


God’s desire is for a relationship with us. He desires to draw near and to dwell among us.

This is crazy. The God of the universe, the One who simply spoke a word and brought the world into existence, the One who is fully fulfilled and needs nothing from us, actually desires us. And it’s not just an abstract desire that He says or wishes for, it’s something that He puts action to and makes a reality. 

He told Moses in Exodus 25:8, “Have them,” talking about the Israelite people, “Have them, construct a sanctuary for Me, so that I may dwell among them.” 

Can you hear God’s heart in this? Can you see His desire to draw near and that the motive behind instructing the people to construct a sanctuary was so that He could dwell among them? 

And then in Jesus, we see the fullness of this and fulfillment of God dwelling among us through Him actually making us His sanctuary. I Corinthians 3:16 says, “Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 

In Exodus, God instructs the people to create a sanctuary so that He might dwell among them as a picture, a shadow of what was to come through Jesus where in Him we now are His sanctuary and that His Spirit dwells within us.


- Where do you see Jesus and God’s heart in these chapters?

- How can you live as a sanctuary for God, hosting His Spirit within you?


Ask Holy Spirit to make you aware of His presence within you, thank God for His heart and desire to dwell among us, and ask Him to lead you in drawing others into knowing His love.

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