
Day 9 – God’s Desire

The Jesus Clubs 12 Day Challenge

November 18, 2022 • Timothy Bruce • Exodus 29, Exodus 30, Exodus 27, Exodus 28


“I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God.” - Exodus 29:45-46


In these chapters of Exodus, you can see God giving clear instructions to Aaron on how the priestly ministry should be conducted. People will see this from different perspectives, but it is important and urgent that you see this through the lens of God’s heart, desire, and love for us. As you see in this highlighted verse, God expresses His intent in all of the instructions He gave. He wants to dwell with us. He wants us to remember Him, that we belong to Him. But, it was impossible to dwell with God without being holy and perfect, because God is holy and perfect. This is so that we could see how much we need Jesus to be holy! Today, as you look at the world around you, you’ll see how offensive this truth is. Will you allow your heart to be tender towards God? As you see the disgust this generation has for authority, the hatred towards the idea of being told what to do and belonging to God; will your heart join them? No! Take time today to invite God into where your heart has become hardened. His ultimate goal is to be with you and to have a relationship with you. Jesus prophesied that as the wickedness in the world increases, the love of most would grow cold. As followers of Jesus, the increasing lawlessness should provoke us to remain tender towards God and people. Look at God’s desire for you, giving His son so that you could enter into an eternal romance with the Creator!


- Do you see God’s heart in these chapters? Be honest and ask God to reveal where you don’t trust His character.

- Does your heart get offended at all the rules God has given?

- How does seeing God’s ultimate plan and desire for you change how you read Exodus?


PRAYER: Father, I invite you into the hardened areas of my heart. I ask that you would show me where I don’t trust You, and lead me into the truth. I see in Exodus that You want to dwell with me, and You want to be my God. I want you to be my God too! Thank you for everything that You have done so that I could be in love with You. Please remove any unbelief or distraction in my life that prevents me from walking in what You died for me to walk in! Amen.

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