
When Relationships Are Broken

Week 2 • Jesus Gets It

February 25, 2024 • Jonathan Wolfgang

Have you ever felt the sting of rejection or betrayal from your own family? Do you know the pain of a broken home, where the people who should love and support you the most let you down? In this week's sermon in the "Jesus Gets It" series, Pastor Wolfgang explores how Jesus, even in his moment of deepest suffering on the cross, created a new family that welcomes everyone. Through this message, we’ll learn not only how to find healing and wholeness in our own lives, but also how to extend that same love and understanding to others. Discover the transformative power of knowing that no matter how fractured our relationships may be, Jesus understands our pain and offers us hope and redemption. Join us as we explore the beauty of being part of a family that reflects God's unconditional love.

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